Intergroup Office Volunteers

*ONGOING* – Our Intergroup office needs volunteers for a variety of tasks – Training is available, and there is a 6 month sobriety requirement. For information contact Lisa S., Office Manager at or (530) 225-8955.

Our Intergroup office is still building a volunteer hotline/office list to help provide service. Applicants should have at least 6 months sober, have a sponsor and be working the steps. Please provide your contact information by email ( or call our office.

There are several other rotating service positions available at this time. Please see the Intergroup Service Positions button.

Please come to the Monthly Intergroup Business meeting, 4th Tuesday of the month, All Saints Church, Eaton Hall, 2150 Benton Drive, Redding or contact Lisa S., Office Manager at or (530) 225-8955. Check the events page for more information.