These are challenging economic times. Calls for help with alcoholism have increased. NorCal Intergroup is on the front lines of bringing hope the alcoholic in and outside of the rooms! Your contributions to NorCal Intergroup keep our office running. Using the below PayPal DONATE button, you can contribute by a Single Donation, Birthday Club, Faithful Fivers, or a Group Contributions. You can make the difference!
QR code for NorCal Intergroup PayPal:

For group contributions, please send our office an email at norcalintergroup@gmail.com with your group name, group # and amount donated. We’re working on having this included in the PayPal donation, but at this time it does not. Thank you!

What is the Birthday Club?
Are you happy that you are sober? Did getting sober change your life for the better? Celebrate your sobriety with a donation on the anniversary of your sobriety birthday. Many members in A.A. donate $1 for each year of our sobriety – it’s a way to give back to A.A. without a huge financial impact to our finances.

What is a Faithful Fiver?
An A.A. member who graciously pledges to contribute $5 or more each month to support NorCal Intergroup in our efforts to carry the A.A. message of hope and recovery to the still suffering alcoholic.
Register with Central Office as a Faithful Fiver member so as to receive a charitable contribution receipt at the end of the year.

What is a Group Contribution?
After a group has covered its basic expenses, the group can decide to send money to the local intergroup, district, area and central office. This is a link to donate to the Intergroup Office.
We thank you for donating! In keeping with A.A.’s 7th Tradition of self-support, we accept contributions only from A.A. members.
“I am responsible. When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that: I am responsible.”